The wood was rather ugly, but all in all the wardrobe was still in very good shape.
First step was sanding the varnish to get some key for the paint to adhere to,
followed by a thorough wash with a thinned down water and ammonia mix.
This got rid of the sanding dust and any trace of nicotine that still stuck to the wood.
After letting all pieces dry out thoroughly, I reassembled the wardrobe and applied a coat of primer.
I chose an oil based primer, because I wanted a smooth finish. With water based primers and paints, you always run the risk that brush and roller marks remain visible.
Next came 2 coats of lacquer in a slightly of white colour (colour shady grey), and then came the fun part ... making everything look just that little bit distressed and not quite freshly painted.
And voila ... an old wardrobe made right for a modern country interior
and here is my dilemma ... I painted this wardrobe for a dear friend ... and ever since I am on the lookout to find a similar old lady to be refinished, one that would come and live with me ... but no luck so far.
There is one upside, at least I have an excuse to continue going to flea markets, thrift shops and garage sales.